Night Owl, 2023
A series of self portraits documenting the struggles of a night owl with a day job.
Flash photography docuenting the first waking moments of the artist's day.
"When my alarm goes off, i’ve started immediately taking a photograph with the flash on. Every subsequent time i hit snooze and then wake up again, i take another photo. I like the dates being on the photos themselves because it gives you an insight into how many times each morning i’ve hit snooze before finally committing to the day. I also like that the day (mon, tues, wed etc) is not listed because i think it’s a fun game to try and work out when the weekends are/ when i’m not working. There is so much given away in these photos. The intimacy of seeing someone’s bed head, their pyjamas or lack thereof as well a the sheets on their bed and the contents of their room and yet there is also a lot missing that the audience has to piece together themselves. Which days was i early to work? When did i have nightmares? Who is taking the photos? What did i dream about to make me smile that early when i’m usually visibly not thrilled?"